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Message text:

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Attached file:

If you want to submit child's picture to the gallery:
  • Is better to send pictures in graphic files *.jpg, *.gif. It is possible in *.tif, *.bmp or *.pcx, but you must zip its.
  • Don't forget to specify a name, a surname, age and a residence of the child.
  • The organizer of gallery reserves the right to itself not all works to accept to the publication.
  • Don't send me more than three figures.

    If you have paid (have made bank transaction) for my programs:

  • Tell me know you name, e-mail, my bank (Master-Bank or URALSIB), date of transaction, the name of the program which you wish to receive.
  • After money will be on my account I'll send you full unlimited version of the program. Thanks.
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